Monday, January 9, 2012

Yearly Dates of Each of Our Grade Levels

                          On our way to being 1960 Graduates 
                             of Hamilton High School
Have you ever wondered what year it was when you were in the 5th grade and how old you were? 

If you started school between four-and-a-half and five years old and were promoted each year,
then the chart below will give you the years, in Fall and Spring semesters, for each of our grade levels. Note in which semester your birthday takes place and determine your age by adding a year to Fall or Spring of Reception Grade (not Kindergarten for us) for each new grade.

This means the photos posted below were taken in the Fall of 1953 in 6th grade, and in Spring 1956 in 8th.

Many of us were shuffled around from one school to another. I list my schools and my age when attending them.       
I started Reception Grade at 4-and-a half and had my 5th birthday in November, 1947.
Man were we young!

                                                            Fall  -- Spring Semesters                  My school and (Age)

                                                        1959-1960 12th Grade Graduation       HHS (17)

                                                        1958–1959 11th Grade                        HHS  (16)

                                                        1957-1958 10th Grade                         HHS  (15)

                                                        1956-1957   9th Grade                         Steinert  (14)

                                                        1955-1956   8th Grade                         Maple Shade (13)

                                                        1954-1955   7th Grade                         Maple Shade (12)

                                                        1953-1954   6th Grade                         McGalliard  (11)

                                                        1952-1953   5th Grade                         DeCou (10)

                                                        1951-1952  4th Grade                          Rowan  (9)

                                                        1950-1951   3rd Grade                         DeCou  (8)

                                                        1949-1950   2nd Grade                         DeCou  (7)

                                                         1948-1949   1st Grade                        DeCou  (6)

                                                         1947-1948   Reception Grade             DeCou  (5)

1 comment:

  1. I offer a school from Lalor Tract. Lalor Elementary. Our indoor gym was the hallway in the basement.
