Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Four Ancient Photos from John Kelly

John Kelly has sent me and others these candid and potentially libelous photos of hanky-panky going on at the hotel on our Washington trip, in March 1960.  John reminds us it's been 53 years since this hallowed event. Eleanor reminds me that it was St. Patrick's Day and we wished Mr. Murphy a happy Irish fling, but also that it snowed during that memorable excursion. But the real photo-verified news is that some guys managed to sneak up to the girls' floor above the boys' and find solace from the cold and snow outside. Who knew? While John and Dom and Tony seem to be boasting here, I admit to long for such comforts from storms.  Oh, where are the snows of yesteryear ( "Où sont les neiges d’antan?", F. Villon)?

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